Melon Diet For Healthy Weight Loss

This melon diet is perfect for those who love melons and need to get rid of few extra pounds. It is easy to follow and very delicious.

Melon Facts

Melon is a very popular fruit, and is a perfect snack food for both adults and kids. Aside of it being very delicious it is also a very nutritious fruit that is full of vitamins and minerals. It is especially recommended for those who have slow digestion, kidney problems and slow metabolism.

It is very quickly digestible and you only need a few slices to feel full. That is why it is a perfect diet food because it will never leave you feeling hungry. Or at least, if you are used to eating large amounts of food it will not make you feel guilty even if you eat a whole fruit at once.

So next time when you are feeling hungry and ready to indulge in something you will later regret, snack on few slices of melon and it will take your craving right off.

The following diet takes two weeks to complete and at the end of each week you will be at least 3-5 pounds lighter.

Melon Diet Menu

  • Breakfast – 1 pound of sliced melon.
  • Snack – 1 cup of low fat plain yogurt.
  • Lunch – 1 pound of sliced melon, 1 cup of boiled brown rice, green tea.
  • Snack – 1 whole wheat toast, 1 cup of green tea.
  • Dinner – 1 cup of boiled rice or 1 baked potato, 1 vegetable salad, 5 oz of grilled chicken or fish.

This is a calorie restricted diet but it should give you good results in only two weeks. Make sure to introduce other foods at the end of two weeks to keep your nutrient intake in balance and not lose too much weight too fast as it may cause you a yo-yo effect.

Melons are very sweet fruit with high water content and the sugars from them are quickly absorbed into the blood stream. According to food combination theory, the optimal way to eat melon is either by itself or with other carbohydrate.

If you combine sweet melons with meat or fats, it may cause metabolism disturbance and will interfere with your weight loss. So be sure to eat melons in the first half of the day and don’t mix them with fatty foods or proteins such as meat, eggs, high fat content dairy, or beans.

Try to avoid eating fruit for dinner as our metabolism slows down at night and sugars from fruit can accumulate as fat stores. You can substitute yogurt with Kefir, or low fat cottage cheese, or milk.

Melon Diet Detox

melon diet

For those who feel the need to detox their body and improve metabolism there is an easy to follow and quick melon detox plan that can be done for up to seven days.

I personally recommend doing it for just three days.

After 3 days you will see your skin glow, your stomach flatten, your digestion improve and you will even gain mental clarity. All you have to do is eat 2-3 pounds of melons a day and keep drinking water to help the toxins leave your system faster.

Best time for melon diet is either the beginning or the end of summer, as melons are the most ripe and sweet at that time. To make sure you get the good ripen melon, examine its skin: it is suppose to be firm, even and clean, the melon suppose to have good aroma and have a dry ‘tail’.

Hope this melon diet will help you get in shape and improve your overall health.


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