Healthy Pineapple Diet For Fast Weight Loss

Healthy pineapple diet is fast, easy and very delicious. It takes an effort to stay healthy and fit even for the thinnest looking women who seem to eat all they want and never get fat.

Every woman has her own dieting secrets and tricks to maintain healthy weight and stay good looking and attractive. I must admit that even though I am very confident in how I look and think that it’s not the appearance that matter, I still want to look good and have men turn their heads when they pass by me.

I am sure that every woman inside wants the same thing and the healthier we look the more attractive we appear. And with so many delicious foods so widely available, with restaurants, that offer gourmet, authentic foods at every corner, it is so hard to stay slim and control the calorie intake.

With busy, hectic modern lives it is very hard to stop by the gym at the end of the day and give it out a 100 percent.

There is no question about it being difficult to maintain a perfect figure, but there is a way to stay in balance even after a day of ‘pigging out’. All we have to do is not make a habit of overeating and instead of feeling guilty and hopeless the next day, try and go on a cleansing diet.

When you maintain a healthy weight, you don’t need long and extended dieting plans. All you have to do is limit your calories for a day or two and that would be enough to get back in balance.

The only problem is that those detox days may seem as a boring torture, but they don’t have to be. There are many ways to make detoxing quite enjoyable and even exciting experience.

Healthy pineapple diet is a perfect cleansing diet for this occasion.

This pineapple diet takes 2 to 5 days to complete and it will do a great job at bringing your weight back to normal and cleansing and rejuvenating your body.

It is a very delicious and nutritious healthy diet plan that will have you come back to it time after time.

Pineapple Benefits

Pineapple is one of the most unique and delicious fruits you can ever have. It is very low in calories but has enough sugar to make it very pleasant to the taste. Pineapple is known to contain a valuable enzyme, called bromelain, which boosts the immune system, burns fat and fights degenerative diseases. Because of its unique fat burning qualities bromelain is called a ‘fitness enzyme’, it is been proven to burn unwanted fat at extremely high pace.

Scientists have discovered that only 1 gram of bromelain can burn up to 900 grams or 2 pounds of fat.

Dietitians suggest drinking 1 cup of pineapple juice or eating one slice of pineapple after meal to help stimulate the fat loss. The only thing you have to remember is to eat only fresh pineapple to make sure you get the most nutrients.

Pineapple also contains many other enzymes that regenerate body cells, or as anti-aging agents, kill cancer cells, fight viruses and rejuvenate the whole body, helping you to stay young and healthy for much longer.

Pineapple is full of vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, A, PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese.

Pineapple Diet Benefits

Aside of being very delicious fruit, pineapple has many healing properties. The above mentioned bromelain, found in pineapple is known to be very efficient in breaking down proteins, particularly those that thicken the blood, therefore, eating pineapple with thin out your blood, making it flow more freely though the circulatory system. That will lower your chances for stroke, heath attack and other heart related issues. It also makes it easier for asthma patients to breathe.

Regular pineapple consumption will also help with serotonin production that is also called a ‘happiness hormone’. It will help you with stress, anxiety, depression and speed up your metabolism for faster fat loss.

How to pick a Pineapple

Before you begin the pineapple diet, be sure you know how to pick the right pineapples that will give you most nutrients and will have the best taste. In order to get the most bromelain enzyme you need to look for greener pineapples.

Of course, that would mean less flavor for you, as green and unripe pineapples are sour to the taste. So I would suggest picking pineapples that are not very ripen but are not green either. They will still have lots of bromelain and at the same time will have sweet and delicious flavor.

Usually they look yellow on the outside and rather firm than soft. If your pineapples looks green and is hard that means it is still unripe, if it is yellow and softer to the touch it is very ripen. Make sure it has distinct pineapple aroma too.

We have few different pineapple diet options from strict detox fasting to a milder version of light diet for weight loss, and you can choose the one that suits you the most.

Pineapple Diet Detox Fast

This quick 1-3 day fast will help you get back on track after a big party where you allowed yourself to eat more than usual, or if you just want to bring your weight back in balance after holidays.

You will need 4 pounds of pineapple and 4 cups of fresh pineapple juice with no sugar added. Divide the pineapple into 4-5 equal servings and eat one serving at each meal. Drink pineapple juice in between the meals if you start feeling hungry.

Make sure to drink enough water to help your body rid of toxins faster. After just 1-3 days you can get rid of up to 5 pounds. If you do this for a day every week you will get rid of unwanted weight over time with a minimum effort.

If this fast sounds too extreme or if you need to lose more weight at a healthier and slower rate, use the following 5 day pineapple diet plan.

5 Day Pineapple Diet Plan

Eat your regular breakfast each day and follow the suggested menu for lunch and dinner. You can also eat more pineapple for snacks. Make sure you drink plenty of water and have your dinner no later than 3 hours before bed.

Day  1

  • Lunch – 1 cup of rice with curry or other herbs.
  • Dinner – 2 small baked potatoes, 1 cup of cubed pineapple, 1 cup of plain low fat yogurt or cottage cheese.

Day 2

  • Lunch – Chicken with pineapple. See recipe below.
  • Dinner – 1 cup of cubed pineapple, 3 oz of shrimp, salad with mixed greens, celery and cucumber, with 1 tbsp of low fat dressing of your choice.

Day 3

  • Lunch – Pineapple salad with red bell peppers, mixed greens, tomatoes and olive oil and lemon juice for the dressing.
  • Dinner – 3 oz of any fish, broiled, 1 cup of pineapple, and few salad leafs, 1 slice of whole wheat bread.

Day 4

  • Lunch – Grilled chicken salad with pineapple. Grilled chicken, cut and mix pineapple and red bell peppers, adding a little mayonnaise, add grilled chicken and mix well. You can add a little bit of curry powder and fresh garlic. Place the mixture on a bed of romaine lettuce. 
  • Dinner – Celery soup (see recipe below), 1 cup of cubed pineapple.

Day 5

  • Lunch – 1 cup of pineapple with 2 toasts.
  • Dinner – 2 tbsp of rice, cooked with chopped pineapple.

Pineapple Diet with Chicken

This is a 9 day diet and at the end of 9 days you can get rid of up to 8 pounds of unwanted weight. It is a very easy diet but is extremely effective.

The plan is simple: the first three days all you eat is lean broiled of boiled chicken meat, the following 3 days all you eat are fresh pineapples, and for the final 3 days you mix chicken and pineapples together and eat just that. Just don’t forget to drink lots of water or green tea and at the end of this pineapple diet you will be 8 pounds lighter!

If this diet seems very difficult for you to follow, you can add up to 4 cups of low fat plain yogurt or kefir for each day. You will still lose weight but won’t feel as hungry.

Pineapple Diet Recipes

Chicken and Pineapples


  • 1 pound chicken breast
  • 1 cup of cubed pineapple
  • 1 tsp of curry powder
  • 3 medium red bell peppers
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce and 1 tbsp olive oil.

Preparation: Wash and cut chicken breast into small cubes, put in into bowl and add soy sauce and leave for 30 minutes to marinate. Thinly cut peppers and pineapple and set aside. After 30 minutes, fry chicken on the stove adding 1 tbsp of olive oil. When it turns golden brown add curry sauce and mix well. Add peppers, pineapple and a little water of pineapple juice and fry for additional 10 minutes with cover. Enjoy!

Celery Soup


  • 1 tablespoon non-dairy margarine
  • 1 small onion, or 1/2 of a large onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 bunch celery, stalks and leaves, chopped (about 6 cups)
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups vegetable stock

Preparation: Heat a soup pot over medium high heat, and melt the margarine.  Add the onions and a tiny pinch of salt, and saute until they’re softened and translucent, about five minutes.

Add the garlic and thyme, and saute for about a minute, or until fragrant. Add the celery and give it a good stir.  Saute it for about 8 minutes or so, until the celery starts to soften a bit.  Sprinkle the flour in and give another good stir.  You want to cook it a bit until it’s not super white.  If it starts to get hard to stir, pour in a little broth. 

Once you have the flour incorporated, pour in the veggie stock. Bring the mixture to a boil and then partially cover the pot and reduce the heat.  Simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the celery is tender.

Transfer the soup to a high-speed blender and puree.  Depending on the size of your blender you made need to do this in batches.  You can also use a stick blender. Taste for seasoning and serve. 

You can garnish with some fresh thyme or celery leaves.  This also keeps well in the fridge.


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