Eat What You Want Diet

by Debra
(Hernando, MS)

I had to find a diet/ way of life I could live with long term, so I made a list of all the foods I felt I had to have to feel I wasn't being deprived and to live normally. In other words, to eat what I wanted.

These included foods like meat loaf, spaghetti, chili, chocolate cake, etc. Then I adapted my recipes to fit my needs and taste. I have menus for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 300 to 350 calories, occasionally up to 500 on some dinners.

Then I add 2 snacks a day of 140 to 230 calories, very much like Nutrisystem (which is another past diet of mine).

This averages my daily totals to 1200 to 1400 calories. Since I only have to follow my own recipes or menu, I don't have to count calories religiously; it just becomes a matter of habit and I don't feel deprived, because I am getting what I want.

I think anyone could do this with their own list of foods they need to feel they are living a regular life and eatting real food.

If you have to go off it now and then, just go off it for that 1 meal or snack, and then finish the rest of the day like normal.

If I get up in the middle of the night starving, I just have an extra snack- it won't sabotage you. And when it comes time to maintain, just quit measuring.

You're already eatting the food you want anyway, so there's no need to change. Just eyeball your portions. And if you start to gain weight again, you know what to do.

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Dec 16, 2010
Nice diet
by: Anonymous

Good diet, I am going to try it!

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