Seems as though since reaching "senior citizen" status, losing weight has been more difficult than ever. I've tried this diet, that diet, and over the counter meds, but nothing was helping me lose weight.
I was going to a pain management doctor for a back problem, taking prescribed medication. I knew if I could lose weight, it would not only be healthy for me, but it would also help the back problem. After going to this same pain mgt doctor for over five years, he began to offer a weight loss plan. I asked lots of questions, etc. and finally decided to give it a try. So glad I did, because as a result, I've lost 30 pounds already, and to reach my goal weight, I'll lose another twenty pounds. This diet program consists of an injection once a week...about twenty dollars in the office...and also a one month's prescription of phentermine, which is taken daily, and costs about eighteen dollars, depending where it's purchased. I changed the type of injection I was receiving and now I'm losing weight more rapidly. I've lost the thirty pounds over a period of one year...a long time, you say?? Well, I've always been told if you lose weight slowly, then you keep it off.
If you think this type program may be beneficial to you, ask your primary care physician about this plan. Hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

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