Healthy strawberry salad
with trout


1 cup mixed greens

1 cup sliced strawberries

1/2 thinly sliced red onion

6 oz fresh trout meat

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp apple juice

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

salt, pepper to taste.

preparation method:

Toss mixed greens, red onion and strawberries together. Season trout with 1 tbsp of lemon juice, salt and pepper and cook in a pan for 3 minutes on both sides with a little bit of olive oil.

Combine the remaining lemon juice, apple juice, olive oil and Dijon mustard and stir with a little bit of water.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour over tossed salad and serve with the trout on top. (250 kcal)

Related articles:

Strawberry and Trout Salad

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