Easy Healthy Diet 

If you have to spend all day in the office this new easy healthy diet is what you need!

You probably already know how difficult it is to maintain normal body weight and healthy lifestyle especially if you have to spend all day at the desk or in front of the computer sitting in your chair.

This healthy and easy diet created especially for those who spend most of the day sitting in a chair and have little time and opportunity to be physically active.

Our new diet will help you keep your body fit and is pretty easy to follow: all meals are simple and do not take much time to prepare. It takes 7 days to complete this easy diet.

Easy Healthy Diet Menu

easy healthy diet

Breakfast (choose one):

  • One cup whole grain cereal with skim milk;
  • One grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat with tomatoes;
  • One whole wheat toast with honey, one banana, one slice of cheese or half a cup of plain yogurt;
  • One whole wheat toast with butter, one hard-boiled egg, one glass of orange juice.

Total value: 250 calories

Lunch (choose one):

  • Large mixed lettuce salad with low fat dressing, cheese or chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise, one sliced cucumber, one apple or orange;
  • One large baked potato, large mixed lettuce salad, one cup of low fat yogurt, half a cup of baked beans or one slice of cheddar cheese.

Total value: 250 calories

Dinner (choose one):

  • 8 oz beef steak or broiled fish with steamed green beans or carrots, large vegetable salad with low fat dressing;
  • 8 oz grilled chicken or turkey breast, one large baked potato, vegetable salad with low fat dressing;
  • 1 ½  cup of cooked pasta with tomato sauce, 4 oz of shrimp or chicken breast, 2 cups of fruit salad.

Total value: 400 calories

Snacks and treats (choose two):

  • two glasses of wine,
  • one large fruit with couple of slices of cheese,
  • two granola bars.

Total value: 200 calories

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Easy Healthy Diet